Everybody feels a little down or sad now and then. When these feelings keep you from functioning, doctors call it major depression. Symptoms of depression can include feelings of …
Imagine arriving home one day and finding a burglar breaking into your house. Your mind starts moving fast, your palms get sweaty, your heart pounds as your stomach gets …
Do you have a habit you would like to overcome? Bad Habits just like good ones establish themselves by repetition and rhythm. For instance, we may get sleepy or …
Patients are asking their doctors for antibiotics when they are not needed, and some Doctors are prescribing them anyway. In a recent study done in the journal of Pediatrics …
If you were near the end of your life in a hospital and unable to communicate, whom would you want to make treatment decisions for you? Would you like to …
Back pain is on of the most common reasons for visiting a primary care physician. 80% of Americans experience low back pain some time during their lifetime and multiple episodes …