In our last health nugget I shared a common sense law of health which states “What you don’t use you lose.” The next law of health is a corollary to the first and states, “What you overuse or abuse you will also lose.” This simple law of health is often ignored. As a result we suffer the consequences. To state this law in another way, “Avoid those things which are harmful and use those things that are good in moderation”. Try food for an example. Besides nutritional benefits, eating gives us enjoyment. Yet too much of a good thing, can result in, gastrointestinal upset, obesity and a host of other physical and emotional problems. Another example might be the way we play. Recreation is an essential part of a healthy balanced life. But, taken to extreme, recreation can keep us from sleeping, working, studying or paying attention to basic nutrition. This law also applies to use of caffeine, alcohol or tobacco and other substances. The idea is moderation in what is good and avoidance of anything harmful to optimize your health.

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