Would you like to lower your cholesterol levels, improve your blood pressure, improve your body fat levels, decrease your blood sugar levels, and decrease your risk of death from heart disease and certain cancers? All these health improvements have been associated with a High Fiber Diet.
Hi, this is Dr. John Torquato with today’s “Health Nuggets by Dr. John.” In the Nurses Health Study of 65,173 women, researchers found that a high-fiber diet-especially when comprised of fiber found in whole grains – protected against developing diabetes. Women who ate low-fiber diets and more highly refined foods (like white bread, white rice, cola beverages, etc.) were 2 1⁄2 times more likely to develop diabetes than women who ate a high-fiber (25+ grams of fiber per day) diet. Here is a hint. Read labels. Fiber grams are listed. Check your daily fiber intake and aim for 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber per day. To reach this goal, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eat several servings of whole grain breads or cereals and one half cup of legumes (like peas, beans, lentils, garbanzos, etc.)