Hi, This is Dr. John Torquato with today’s “Health Nuggets by Dr. John.” I would like to tell you about The Alameda Health study. This study documented the health practices of 6,900 people living in Alameda County, California, and then followed these people for 15 years. Researchers found there were 7 health practices that were clearly shown to be predictors of good health and longevity. Here is a quiz. Listen to those 7 health practices and keep score of how many you personally practice. Those health practices were: 1-not smoking, 2-Getting regular physical activity, 3-Eating breakfast, 4-not snaking frequently between meals, 5-maintaining a healthy body weight, 6-sleeping at least 7 to 8 hours each night, and 7-avoiding excessive alcohol. OK, how many of the seven health practices do you personally observe? In this study it was shown that people who followed 6 or 7 of these good health practices lived on the average 10 to 12 years longer than those who followed only 3 or fewer. Clearly, a healthy lifestyle can add years to your life. Try to make these 7 health practices part of your life, and live a longer and more productive life.

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